Meet Amanda Lopez: Head of Marketing for Emmaus

When attending a Jesuit University, the phrases "Jesuit identity" and "Jesuit tradition" tend to be thrown around quite often. And for a lot of people, this is really meaningful. But for others, they may be caught wondering exactly what constitutes the Jesuit ideals, and how they have any influence on their education. It's exactly how Amanda Lopez, Head of Marketing for Emmaus: The Nature of the Way, felt for a great deal of her college career. But after attending a pilgrimage in Spain devoted to St. Ignatius, founder of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits), she realized just how closely she connected with the Jesuit emphasis on education and charitable works. And she can personally attest—the Jesuits are a pretty cool bunch. 

Amanda initially became interested in and involved with the project after the Spain pilgrimage, where she met Chris. She was particularly drawn to the theme of humanity it encompassed, because she did tend to feel that there were many barriers between priests and "regular" people. But after getting to know several of the Jesuits at LMU through this project, her perspective has changed completely, and she hopes others take the opportunity to get to know, or simply have a conversation with a Jesuit. 

She is currently studying marketing and journalism at Loyola Marymount University, and felt that Emmaus would be a great opportunity to apply the skills she's learned over the years. Amanda looks forward to working on marketing and publicity for Emmaus and exploring different creative opportunities along the way. To learn more about Amanda, visit her website